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Buy Led Faucets Light

详细内容 Please supply me with the prices for LED Faucets Light.
I have received various offers at prices betweenU$1.75 - U$9.00. These were from either traders and Manufacturers.

Are you a manufacturer company, or a trading company?
I am wanting the LED Faucet Lights to wholesale it to various Bathroom outlets,
Since the LED Faucet Light is available to any buyer that inquires about it from various suppliers, you will appreciate the fact that I need to obtain the best possible product at the best price to make sustainable repeat business. This is therefor logical that I do not operated via a middleman but directly with the manufacturer.

I also have had various offer to supply me with samples to view and inspect and test the products. I find the sample costs in comparison with European (which offers it for free) very expensive. What is your position. Will you be able to send me samples of the different units for free?
If you are able to do so, then we have a possible good start for definite orders, subject to the approval of the product.

Country:South Africa

联系方式 Co:Growing Ideas
Add:P. O. Box 75479, Lynnwood Ridge, Gauteng

LinkMan:Mr Rene Mulders


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