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R(buy Astm & Din Bolts And Nuts |
详细内容 |
We have requirement of ASTM & DIN Bolts and Nuts. Please find attached the technical condition for supplying bolts to Syria.(we do not have more information about this bolts) Kindly ask you to send us your technical and financial quotation for this request. Hop to build a good cooperation with you for supplying your company's products to our country. Best regards PLEASE SEE ATTACHED FILE!
ASTM & DIN Bolts and Nuts.pdf
Country:Syria /手机 注:本网可免费代VIP会员联系上该外商,有意者请致 exp@cnexpnet.com |
联系方式 |
Co:AliAbedNajem Co Add:hama st, homs Tel:963-31-23471020 Fax:963-31-23471021 Email:eng.alinajem@gmail.com,djjeem1971@hotmail.com Mobile:963-956483391 LinkMan:Ali Abed Najem |
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