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Buy Led Lights

详细内容 I need a quotation for street LED Lights in bulk, please find details as below :
Market of Requirements:
a) Several cities
We have to carry out Pilot of the Lights in around 100 lights in a small area
Requirement: 1Lakh to 15 Lakh lights
b) Apart from these, there is a market which we can access in London, Europe, and other places
Typical Specification:
We have to offer a Range of lights with different illumination
Illu3000 Lumen, 4000 Lumen, 5000 Lumen lights giving equivalent lights of 70 W, 100 W, 140 W, 200 W, 250W and also 500 W High Mask Lights
Angle of Spread: 120 degrees
Lumen on the Surface: 35 Lux, 40 Lux, 45 Lux
Preferable: Zigbee Control for Turn On/Turn Off/Maintenance with Light Management system
Should be supported by Network/Portal Software – Light Management System Portal for carrying out operation, maintenance and management.
Specifications can vary ; but visible feeling should be better when they replace the existing Sodium
Vapour based Street Lights
As far as possible, Fittings and fixtures should match the existing Present system, so that replacement is easier.
CPRI Certification Important


Add:1Fl, 14, Lane 113, Chih Yuan 2nd Rd, Taipei City Tel:886-2-29146874 Fax:886-2-81924311 Email:jetwing@jetwing.com.tw Website:http://www.jetwing.com.tw

LinkMan:Mr. Li-shou Tao


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