采购内容 |
R(buy High Temperature Cable From China |
详细内容 |
 We are looking for following type of cable. 1. Cable construction : Copper wire + Mica glass + Fiber glass braid. it means we need Mica glass taping on copper wire and on top of mica we need fiber glass braid. 2. Cable construction : Copper wire + Teflon + Fiber glass braid . It means we need Teflon taping on copper wire and on top of Teflon we need fiber glass braid. In attach file please find the details of the silicon rubber wire requirement ( kindly see their is two excel sheet in the attachment ) you will find all the details in the attach file. Kindly inform if your company have UL 3071 and UL3070 certificate for AWM ,SF-2 and SFF-2 wire/cable.
We can buy only from UL approval supplier so Kindly send the offer with the UL certificate. Attached picture for your reference. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED FILE!
High temperature cable.xls
Country:India /网站
注:本网可免费代VIP会员联系上该外商,有意者请致 exp@cnexpnet.com |
联系方式 |
Co:CHHAPERIA INTERNATIONAL COMPANY Add:270, 4th Phase, Peenya Industrial Area, , Bangalore, Karnataka, India Tel:91-80-41171552 Fax:91-80-28360371 Email:info@micagroup.net Website:www.micagroup.net
LinkMan:Mr. Anup Kumar |
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