采购内容 |
Buy Cutter And Cutter Blades |
详细内容 |
Our company would like to import cutter & cutter blades to alexandria, Egypt. We accept the offers till March 7th, all offers should include a detailed desc ription of each product along with the minimum quantity order, price, time to deliver in alexandria, suggested warranties.
Country:Egypt /手机/MSN
联系方式 |
Co:Habiba Trading Co. Add:29 M. Alserafy Street, Alexandria Tel:20-3-4868928 Fax:20-3-4868928 Email:s_naiim2002@hotmail.com Mobile:20-165390801 MSN:s_naiim2002@hotmail.com
LinkMan:Mr. Sany Naiim |
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