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Buy Calcined Alumina

详细内容 We are studying a possible purchase order of BAUXITE.
The possible quantity is around 400 Tn between the different 3 grain size (0-1 mm/1-3 mm/3- 5 mm ).
The Bauxite that we need has to be:
Al2O3 86% min.
TiO2 3.5% max.
Fe2O3 1.5% max.
CaO 0.15% max.
SiO2 8% max.
Real density 3,7 gr/cm3 min.
Apparent density 3,15 gr/cm3 min.
Allowed humidity 0%. The material must totally dry.
If the Bauxite that you offer us is different from our specifications, please enclose the data sheet.
We need that you give as CIF Barcelona – Spain Port Price.
Also in your offer you have to indicate the capacity of TN in each container of 20” , the number of BIG BAGS in each container and the weight of every Big Bags.
Also, we need that you indicate us if you have the material in stock or how many time do you need to prepare. Also the terms of payment.
Please we need your best offer
Thank you very much.

Add:08740 San Andres de la Barca-BARCELONA
Tel:00 34 93 6531052
Fax:00 34 93 6821159

LinkMan:Emma Guasch


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