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主页 >> 世界买家名录集 Buyingleads >> 家电产品 >> Buy Washroom Product

Buy Washroom Product

详细内容 Please be inform that we work on washroom equipment & supplies, by this time we also are in need new references for sanitary equipment & supplies. to complete our product and supply to our market in Indonesia.
Please be informed that we are interested in:
·automatic aerosol dispensers
·aerosol refills
·urinal sanitizers dispensers
·urinal sanitizers refills
·sanitary bag for female sanitary tampon disposal.
·Antiseptics hand soap
·Washroom hand soap
·Shampoo perfume for man
·Shampoo perfume for woman
·Body soap for man
·Body soap for woman
Could you please recommend the product and advise your availability of the above product in your company; and if possible please indicate your price and minimum orders.
For dispensers unit, please advise your availability in printing custom logos on the dispenser cover.
Last, do you have distributor or representative in Jakarta or indonesia?
Thank you for your attention and we look forward your reply.
Thank you & best regards

联系方式 Co:PT. EMS Indoappliances
Add:PT. EMS Indoappliances Wisma Staco 8th Fl.Jl. Casablanca Kav. 18 Jakarta 12870
Fax:62 21 - 8317215
Moblie:62 856 837 5377
LinkMan:Enggalwiguno Rahardja


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