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Buy Pvc Curtain

详细内容 We are basically a marketing based company and achieved a very good reputation in our country and abroad for our sincere Work. Our company established in the year 1983 and since then we are enjoying a good reputation in our local market as well as in international market by representing few reputed manufacturer of Europe, Asia, U.S.A, Middle East.
We have come to know that you are one of the leading manufacturers Of Different types PC STRIPS FOR CURTAIN for following thickness
Thickness :0.50, 1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm, 3mm
Width: 900mm , 1200mm, 150mm , length Standard
Color, Transparent, and many light color
We shall be highly glad if you would kindly quote the price offer on C NF C 5% Chittagong delivery port. deliver period , packing detail , and specification , installation Charges , payment terms , after sales Service support in details etc urgently by e-mail FOR THE SIZE OF PAINT BOOTH IS LENGTH 40 FEET , WIDTH - 30 FEET X HEIGHT 20 FEET.
In order to carry on smooth marketing activities, we prefer to work with you under EXCLUSIVE AGENCY AGREEMENT. We have been practicing with all our overseas suppliers for smooth and long term business.
So, we would like to have your valued opinion in this regard.
We sincerely hope that you will give our enquiry a top most priority

联系方式 Co:Goldenfair International Trading Company Add:H-502, Rd. 34, New D.O.H.S. Mohakhali, Dhajka Dhaka Tel:880-2-9885761 Fax:880-2-9885761 Email:wasef@eplanetit.net Mobile:880-19347138

LinkMan:Mr Shahid Jamil


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