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Buy Car Wash Glove From China |
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 We are interested to buy “lamby fabric glove_仿羊毛擦車手套” and the specifications are indicated as below, please send me quotation if you are interested in supplying the product, thanks. There are two different styles; style A and B; style A is what Trimaco is selling now. It’s with better workmanship and material. Style B is from one of our client. The material and workmanship is not as good as Trimaco’s. But the client seems fine with is. Right now, the client is looking for as lowest price as possible. Size: as attached pictures Packaging: "one" piece is a 4 color printed plastic bag, see file”10901_painters mitt.jpg” , and several bags in a regular ship case. (4色印刷,2面印刷塑袋,每袋装一亇手套;若干袋装入一普通运输用瓦楞纸箱,多少袋由贵司决定,只要其纸箱尺寸、重量等适合搬运。)注:这些为长期性產品,会数月订一柜;非只订一次就终断。 数量: 20呎柜; 估价: I need both Style A(regular quality) and Style B(price to be as low as possible). Please quote price based on 20’ container, FOB China port, 估价要估含包装F0B价. Please also indicate the case quantities per container, thanks. Do feel free to contact me if you have any questions. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED FILES!
Car Wash Glove.rar
Car Wash Glove-2.rar
Country:United States /网站/手机
联系方式 |
Co:Trimaco LLC Add:2800 Meridian Parkway, Suite 185, Durham, North Carolina Tel:1-919-4334032 Fax:1-919-4334011 Email:HsiuHuei.Wen@trimaco.com Website:http://www.trimaco.com/ Mobile:1-919-6992409
LinkMan:Ms. Hsiu Huei Wen |
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