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R(buy Spring Coil Mattress |
详细内容 |
 We are glad to let you know and to share benifits (win & win) with your esteemed company. As we would like to extand our business activities, we are looking for a suppliers of spring coil mattress finished products and soon because we (our company) want to manufacture a spring mattress in our country, we are looking too for a supplier of a spring mattress machine and raw materials. Let me just introduce our market:there is only one company who can produce spring coil mattress here, the market is wide and Malagasy people like new things in the market.the price of the local mattress in the market for both size is around 65 to 75 USD. Now you can conclude how much we will buy the mattress from importation?first we pay tax, shipment, and some other fees like transportation. About quality, always the medium I think! At this first time we only require a finished products with a best price, so if you are interested, plz send us more details of your products, time of delivery, FOB price in USD and your best terms for payment by the email address written below. We are looking forward to hear from you. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED FILES!
Spring Coil Mattress.part1.rar
Spring Coil Mattress.part2.rar
Spring Coil Mattress.part3.rar
Country:Madagascar /手机/MSN/Skype 注:本网可免费代VIP会员联系上该外商,有意者请致 exp@cnexpnet.com |
联系方式 |
Co:Mamy Add:Bl 061 Belambanana Andoharanofotsy, Tana, Antananarivo Tel:(261)202455201 Fax:(261)202455201 Email:alain.andriatiana@gmail.com Mobile:(261)330575909 Msn:one_automotive@hotmail.com Skype:one-automotive
LinkMan:Mr. Andriatiana(Sales Dept.) |
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